Tuthilltown Spirits

Hudson Four Grain bourbon whiskey brings together the distinct characteristics of corn, rye, wheat and malted barley. Each batch starts with 800 pounds of grain which is ground at the distillery, cooked and fermented, then distilled twice. It is aged in our signature small barrels. Our Four Grain Bourbon is a rich full-flavored spirit.

http://www.tuthilltown.com/products/aged-spirits/hudson-4-grain-bourbon 48.00% 90.50 Hudson Four Grain Bourbon No age declared New York #HudsonFourGrain #TuthilltownSpirits

The grains are perfectly suited one to the others so that the end result balances the soft richness of corn, the sharp peppery notes of rye, all the smooth subtlety of wheat and the sweetness of malted barley. Each bottle is hand numbered.